Friday, February 10, 2012

"Been caught stealing..."

If you could do something without getting caught, would you?  Why/Why not? 


  1. I think it would be awesome to be able to steal a huge bag of MnMs from the grocery store and not get caught because I love peanut Mnms.

  2. But in all seriousness, I'm not sure I would. Even with consequences people still perform acts that deserve punishment, so the fact that people wouldn't get caught for something bad they do already applies today. Plenty of crimes and horrible things already happen without consequences. If I had the option of doing something without getting caught that went against my morals, I wouldn't do it. My morals would be pointless. A part of what morals do is to keep to people in check, and to deter them from doing bad things.

  3. It depends on what the "something" is. I think that I would do some things if I had the chance and not get caught for it. But then, I would also definitely not do something even if I had no chance of getting caught. It's all about morals, and everyone's morals are different.

  4. I feel the only time I would steal would be to help the ones closest to me in times of dier need. To me stealing something is taking something from someone that that person worked hard to get, so to me if it comes down to stealing something from someone should only be done in dier need.

  5. I wouldn't do anything. Even though I wouldn't get caught for it, I feel like there would still be consequences like a guilty conscience. I have the worst conscience so it would be really hard to deal with myself if I did something that wasn't right even though I "got away" with it. It would also be going against every thing that I have been taught and what I believe.

  6. I would probably say no if I had the opportunity to steal something without getting caught. Every time I looked at whatever it was I would feel extremely guilty and would make me feel terrible. I couldn't get myself to do something like that. So if the opportunity presented itself to steal something I would back away to safe myself from the feeling that I would get from stealing.

  7. Even though I know for sure that I would not get caught, I would not do something I would regret such as stealing. For as long as I can remember I have been taught general morals and values that I am expected to uphold, and throughout all time I attempt to do this. I would not do something bad because I know that the guilty feeling I would have would just encompass me, despite the severity of the action. Therefore, to avoid the guilty feeling, I would not do something I know that I would regret.

  8. Ideally, I would say stealing is always wrong, but you never know what you will actually do in any given situation without being subjected to it. Under certain circumstances, I think I may steal something. If it was for survival, and I knew I wouldn’t get caught, I would steal, but not without a guilty conscience. Under regular circumstances, I would not steal anything because there would be no good reason for me to do so.

  9. I would not do anything, even if I couldn't be caught. In my opinion, even if you don't get caught, you would still have to deal with consequences such as guilt. I wouldn't do anything because I have morals and I am not willing to break the rules I have set for myself, mainly because I would not be able to live with myself. Guilt kills and I would definitely not be able to live with it. However, there are exceptions, and I would do something if it meant I was helping my family members in some way. I would do something to protect my family and I would not feel guilty because my purpose is to do something good rather than do something bad and see if I could get away with it. However, in most occasions, I would not do anything bad, solely because of punishment by guilt.

  10. I believe that if i were not going to be caught stealing something, then I would steal something that would benefit someone else. Such as stealing money and giving it to the poor. I have always been a fan of heroes in the movies who do things like that. I wouldn't steal for self gain even if I wasn't going to be discovered. So, if i am stealing something that will benefit the greater good than i will probably do it if i am positive that i won't be caught. But I would never steal just for self gain.

  11. It's easy to say that I would do the noble thing and risk the temptation to do something wrong knowing I wouldn't get caught. But to be honest, I probably would. As long as what I did didn't hurt anyone else really badly. I would never do anything horrible if I knew I wouldn't get caught, just something simple like stealing a bag of M&Ms (just not the peanut kind because those are the worst!)

  12. If i could do anything wrong without getting caught I would steal something. It doesnt have to be money, but it does have to benefit more than one person. For example if I stole thousands of dollars from the government and spent it on food and water for those in need (particularly after natural disasters and third world countries), in turn I would help more than one person by inconveniencing one thing. In reality the government should have spent the money I stole on the same thing anyway. To many people i would look like the good guy. Other than that I would I would acquire an inside trading line into Warren Buffets Stocks. I believe its a harmless crime, its just green paper that people choose to go crave.

  13. I don't think I would steal even if I knew I wouldn't get caught. I know if I stole something it would be heavy on my conscious. Even if I knew I could steal something it would feel like a very selfish act and I wouldn't want that on my conscious so I think even with a free pass to steal something I wouldn't do it.

  14. For me personally I believe that sticking to your morals means that you always choose to do the right thing regardless of whether you are rewarded or not . The same applies to something that you should not be doing. I would not do something bad because I believed that I would not get caught. I owe it to myself to be true to what I believe in and not betray anyone's trust.

  15. well, the question was if you could DO something without getting caught... not steal something. So in response to that ill be honest and say yes, i would do some things without getting caught. harmless things of course, like sneaking into Arapahoe at night and having a pool party. That would be a blast! But if i could for example steal something, i wouldn't do it because i am easily convicted. I have strong morals and it is a greater punishment to be disappointed in yourself then to have others disappointed in you. Not to judge other peoples answers, but we all have done things that are wrong with out getting caught... having parties with the parentals gone, speeding, lying about your age, even cheating. I know students especially would want to have a genius take the ACT for them without getting caught. So all in all, yes there are things that i would do without getting caught but if they are extremely wrong and could hurt others then i would absolutely not do it because i couldn't bare to deal with the guilt.

  16. In my opinion, I would never try to do something wrong even if there is no consequence of getting caught. Even if nobody sees it, I believe that God is always watching me. So even if I can escape the world from consequences, in the end God will have is own consequences for me. As a lot of people already mentioned, the feeling of guilt will always be present no matter what, depending on the extremity of the situation obviously.

  17. I don't think that I would steal if I had the opportunity to do it and not get caught. I would feel really guilty and I would be really upset with my self. It is wrong to take from others and I would be so mad at myself for betraying society and myself.

  18. If there was anything I could do that without getting caught...I would steal something from a clothing store. But in all honesty, I probably wouldn't do it. I have been raised to tell the truth and be honest in every situation. I couldn't make myself do that. I know that at my work we try our hardest to prevent theft from happening, so if I stole from someone else's "work", I couldn't do it. I would know that they were working hard to prevent theft from happening, and I know I would hate it if someone went against my hard work.
