Friday, January 27, 2012

Good God

WHy does a just and good God allow evil to exist? How does this connect with Milton's belief about humans?


  1. I think that God allows evil to exist because he can not do anything about it, other than try to point humans in the right direction. He gave us the ability to choose and make our own decisions, so if we make the wrong ones, than we are giving into temptation, Satan, and evil. What God tries to do is show us that evil can be conquered with faith in God. This is how God tries to combat the evil that exists. This connects with Milton's belief about humans because, in my opinion, it sounds as if Milton is telling us that we ultimately have the power to choose to whether to good or evil.

  2. A "just and good God" allows evil to exist because he has given humans free will. Humans choose to do evil deeds or stay pure and be good. Some may even say that there is no such thing as evil, it is the lack of goodness. With that being said, God does not necessarily allow evil to exist,some people just lack goodness as Satan did. This connects with Milton's opinion of humans because all humans have free will and cannot be forced to be good or evil, they do what they please. No matter what one chooses, they will face the consequences.

  3. Even though I strongly believe that God has a path for everyone, I also believe that he gives everyone free will. If you get off on the wrong path, he will put you back on. But if you keep putting yourself on the wrong path, God can only do so much about that because of the free will he offers. I think that it connects with Milton because humans have the power to choose whether they want to stay on that path or continue to do wrong.

  4. I think that good god allows evil to exist because he has given us a choice in what we do. another thought is how can we know good without evil. without evil in this world there would be no good because there would be nothing to compare it to, so god gives us the choice of whether to act in evil or good. How are we to know that God is all that is good if we dont have some thing that is the exact opposite. Its not Gods choice, it yours.

  5. A just and good God knew evil would exist in this world we call home. A just and good God allows it to exist because he gave humans free will. It's not like he makes evil or bad deeds happen. It's human nature to do things that society classifies as bad, and to fall into what some people may call temptations. God gives us free will to choose to do "good" or "bad" and evil exists because of the "bad" we choose to do, and we all do it. I also believe God allows evil to exist so that people may mature and grow from it. I'm in no place to say what is classified as evil or not evil, but here's an example. A man comes home after a night out and beats his wife and children. The wife and children grow up and have emotional stress all through their life. God then uses that experience in their so that they may, for example, help somebody else heal from the same emotional distress they suffered from.

  6. After God created Adam and Eve, and the first sin was done, God came to realize that evil would exist within his creation. He allows this to exist because He knows that each one of us has our own imperfections that could cause evils to exist. Yet He gives us the free will to do what we choose, letting all of His believers know that He is there for guidance however when He is asked for guidance. However, through all of the evil that does exist in the world He hopes that we will gain knowledge from the mistakes that others or we make. If there was no such thing as evil in the world there would be no definition of good, and I think that God would like there to be good as well. Therefore, I believe that God relies on us to know good from evil, granting free will, but when we do make a mistake to go back to our faith and realize what needs to be done to fix what has been done.

  7. A just god allows evil to exist because free will has to exist. The only way for society to be "evil free" is to control the actions of poeple. This is because free will portrays that humans can do whatever they want but they will always pay the consequences, good or bad. On the otherhand,would god look so just and sympathetic if there was no evil? I think that evil makes justice have significance and vise versa.

  8. The reason that a Good God would allow for evil to exist is to allow us to know how good he is. Without evil, there is no good, for if evil did not exist, we would never know any other way of living than being good. It is this separation of the good and evil that give us our view of God and Satan. Satan is the eternal enemy of all things good, and god is the protector of the good. But after all, god did create Satan and the apple that was eaten, so he knew and willingly allowed evil to exist. How far can we take this fact before our actions become our own responsibility? Is the purpose of evil existing simply an opportunity for free will to exist?

  9. I think that our God allows evil to happen first to show his love. When evil happens in the world Gods grace and love will always conquer, it helps display his great power. Because my God is all powerful and all loving, he cant do something contradictory, which means he cant make a mistake, so he has granted us free will. We have the choice to choose between good and evil, God didn’t create evil but because of free will he created the possibility of evil. I think that a common question that people as is “why do bad things happen to good people?”, I think that an equally good question to ask is “why do good things happen to bad people?”. God works in mysterious ways and sometimes it is beyond our imagination, and for those bad people justice delayed is not necessarily justice denied. In the end everyone will get what he or she deserves. For the good people God put trials in our life to test our faith, without these trials he couldn’t “weed out” the church goers or “Christians”. God desires people to give their lives up for him and share his kingdom to the world. He offers us eternal happiness and love in exchange for one thing, to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. A pretty amazing deal if you ask me!

  10. Evil exist as a consequence to the free will God gave us. Evil and free will can go hand in hand as the same with good and free will. Free will is God’s gift and burden to the human race because it leaves us with the choice to do what we want weather it’s sinful or not. I believe evil is not all bad because it gives an example of what is wrong and what the consequences are for ones actions. People have the free will to either follow the right way of good or the way of evil doing. I also believe that evil is a way for God to give a unwanted goal for people to try not to reach.

  11. I believe that God is correct in allowing evil to be present in our lives. The only way to help us grow is for us to face a challenge which usually comes down to right and wrong, good and evil. No matter which one you choose you learn a different lesson. For me personally I think God allows evil to exist because he wants us to fully experience happiness. If you constantly lived in pure happiness you would never truly know how great it was because you have never experienced anything different. For someone who has had some rough trials with evil it just makes happiness seem so good because it is so much better than dealing with evil. It is as if goodness or happiness is light and evil is dark. If the light is constantly on of course you know it is bright because you always see it. However, you do not not know how bright until you are in darkness and the light comes back again and seems even brighter than it did before. God allowed evil in the world so that we could see how bright happiness is and appreciate it for every moment it is there.

  12. The reason why evil exists in my eyes is that it creates a spectrum in life. If God just allowed good there wouldn't be anything to compare good to. Evil allows society to know what is wrong and good in life. This connects because Milton believed that all humans have free will to be good or evil. Evil is allows going to be there but its how you avoid is what makes your decisions good or not.

  13. i belive evil exist because god has givin man free will, and in order for someone to make a good choice, the choice of evil has to exist. My question is where was evil before god sent satan to hell? was it possible to know the difference before then?

  14. I believe that a good God lets evil to exist because of how he granted humans free will. I also think that we need evil to see how great heaven is because if we lived in a perfect world where nothing ever goes wrong. Heaven would seem like exactly the same thing as earth.

  15. I believe that a good God lets evil exist because it is the ultimate test of faith. humans learn that they lean not on their own understanding but on God's. God is all trusting and though we may not understand at the time, something good comes out of the evil. One might question, "what good can come from starving children?" My answer to that is that is an awful thing. no person should die from being given the essential needs, especially when we have an abundant amount of food and water. But i have heard stories in the past of people traveling to third world countries and seeing the starvation and realizing that they need to help. They then act christ like by helping overcome this issue. Something good comes from everything, and we may never know that good is until we meet God. I also believe that men are sinful at nature and do not deserve all the beautiful things in life when we are betrayers, prideful, and selfish. This connects back to Milton's view that we are all punished for Adam and Eve betraying God. Milton believed that the paradise was shut out to mankind because of this and we are doomed to live with evil to pay for the price of our "grandparents."
